May 7, 2024
Chelsea's Law introduced, screws tighten on sex offenders
SACRAMENTO--Chelsea’s Law is beginning its trek through the state Legislature.

Its biggest supporters are the parents of Chelsea King, a San Diego County teenager who was murdered possibly by a sex offender who has yet to stand trial.

As her mother put it,“I will do all I can to protect other daughters and sons, and other mothers and fathers, from going through this incomparable nightmare that I’m walking through.”

Chelsea’s Law will increase penalties for sex crimes against children, lengthen the time sex offenders remain on parole with GPS monitoring and establish “safe zones” to limit where offenders can spend their time.

State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth supports the proposed law.

“If we can’t take them out, we can at least take them out of our communities forever and for good.”

Chelsea’s Law also calls for no-parole prison terms in certain cases. (INT)
Story Date: April 16, 2010
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