February 15, 2025
Safe routes to school equity bill signed into law
SACRAMENTO--A bill by Asm. V. Manuel Pérez that will help small and rural communities to access transportation infrastructure funds was signed by the Governor.

“This bill will help communities such as those in the East Coachella and Imperial Valleys more effectively compete for grant funds for sidewalks, crosswalks, and other infrastructure to improve community walkability,” said Pérez.

Two more bills authored by Pérez were approved by the State Legislature and now advance to the Governor’s desk for signature.

AB 532 modifies the process by which English language learner students are assessed by the state’s school accountability and assessment system, ensuring that the most accurate data on student performance is being collected and used to calculate a school’s API and AYP scores.

AB 901 updates terms and makes statutory clarifications to ensure the successful implementation of the 2010 Small Business Jobs Acts, providing millions of new dollars for California small businesses. (INT)
Story Date: September 9, 2011
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