January 18, 2025
Salton Sea belches up more rotten odors
MECCA - (INT) – Odor advisories are becoming routine as the Lower Coachella Valley becomes a stinky place for residents and visitors.

The smell akin to rotten eggs is being traced to the nearby Salton Sea, California’s largest inland body of water, which has been in decline for years.

The Air Quality Management District says the odor is the result of ‘natural processes’ going on within the Salton Sea.

The AQMD issues odor advisories when hydrogen sulfide levels exceed the state standard of 30 parts per billion averaged over one hour. Levels reached 42 ppb Wednesday, one of the highest of the year.

The symptoms associated with this level of exposure, such as headaches and nausea, are temporary and do not cause any long-term health effects, the AQMD said.
Story Date: June 12, 2016
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